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Naturopathic Nutritionist

Are you ready to unlock your full potential as an athlete?


Well here at Apex Fitness LDN we provide the means to do so, we aren't just a gym but a complete one stop wellness shop.

Meet our in-house Naturopathic Nutritionist:












Ali is a Sports Naturopath here to guide you on your journey to becoming the healthiest and most balanced athlete you can be.


She provides tailored expertise and customises plans to meet your unique needs, no matter where you are in your fitness journey - from beginners taking their first steps in the gym to seasoned veterans.


Areas Sports Naturopathy can help with:


Performance boosting

Hyrox day plan (or other events)

Performance plateaus

Digestive issues

How to be a hybrid athlete

Weight loss or muscle gain

With in-depth consultations, Ali uses a combination of herbal medicine and nutritional support to help you reach your goals. 



Offering Both Online or In-Person Appointments

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